The Hillbilly Bash
Every now and then bikers also need a bit of fun and that is why we tried to be some Hillbillies this Saturday. The event was organized...

The Infernal Punks MC is not recognized as MC anymore. The reason for this is cooperation with an outsider for the purpose of war against...

The Cursed Crooks MC is not recognized as MC anymore. The reason for this is cooperation with an outsider, which is proved with...

The Last Serenity MC as well as the Wolves of Steel MC are both recognized as MC's. The reason for the recognition is the fulfillment of...

theDevil696 is above snakes!
Now the present President has earned the "Above Snakes" patch. A year is theDevil696 now a fullpatched member and he has done a lot for...

The Last Serenity MC
This MC has been driving through Los Santos for several months, but today they were spotted for the first time in Paleto Bay. This...

Today the present President, MarvBenNemsi, has resigned from his post. The new President of the Paleto Bay Original Charter is...

MarvBenNemsi is above snakes!
Marvin is now a year long member of the Death Rebel MC and in this year happened a lot. Already one month after he has been patched, he...

Old but Gold
After the ride with the Lost MC and after the creation of the Nomad Chapter, there was still something important to do on Sunday....

Nomad Chapter
This Sunday the Death Rebels MC has expanded with a nomad chapter. This chapter is an honorary chapter of the Death Rebel MC in which...